TRElab opens a post-doc position

The Transport Research Lab announces the opening of a postdoctoral position within our research project “PULSe: Pre-feasibility analysis for Urban Logistics Solutions based on Eco-friendly vehicles”, funded by the Italian Ministry for Universities and Research, which investigates, analyses, and evaluates, with the aim of validating, the technical-regulatory-operational-behavioural requirements as well as the environmental-economic-social impacts of two innovative public-private urban logistics solutions in the metropolitan area of Rome. 

The results will favour the development of future business models capable of promoting effective and acceptable policy interventions. In particular, the research focuses on: behavioral analysis of the various stakeholders; evaluation of the acceptability of the investigated solutions and/or intervention policies; definition of the current regulatory framework in order to identify barriers and possible enabling factors.

The duration is of 1 year (possibly renewable), starting on 01/05/2024. The location is Roma Tre University, Political Science Department, Transport Research Lab. The application deadline: 31/03/2024. 

Link to the Call (in Italian):

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