Active travel and urban policy: an overview of Europe and Italy

In the first quarter of 2021, two TRElab papers addressing the hot topic of Active Travel have been published.

Giacomo Lozzi (TRElab member), together with Michelle Sara Monachino (Universidade de Lisboa), assess the inclusion of health provisions and methodologies in urban mobility policy and planning documents of four European cities using a multi-level perspective. It considers the adoption of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) tools to integrate health evidence, objectives and measures in the decision-making process.

Lozzi, G., & Monachino, M. S. (2021). Health considerations in active travel policies: A policy analysis at the EU level and of four member countries. Research in Transportation Economics, 101006.

Directors Edoardo Marcucci and Valerio Gatta, together with Ila Maltese (TRelab member), explore to what extent Italian SUMPs promote AT as a solution for achieving sustainable mobility at the urban scale. Specifically, the paper exploits a multiple case-study comparative approach allowing to identify the correlation between main SUMP characteristics and AT-related initiatives in the major Italian cities. 

Maltese, I., Gatta, V., & Marcucci, E. (2021). Active Travel in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. An Italian overview. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 100621.

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