Paolo Delle Site

SurnameDelle Site
Position(s)Associate Professor
DescriptionAssociate Professor in Transportation at Niccolò Cusano University, Rome. Has taken part in research and consultancy projects on behalf of DG Transport/Mobility and DG Research of the European Commission. Has participated in the development of mobility and transportation plans and in transportation projects on behalf of public administrations and private bodies. Has published in Transportation Research Part A, B and C. Current teaching activity is in transportation engineering and economics and in transportation planning for civil engineering degrees.
Descrizione Professore associato del settore scientifico-disciplinare ICAR/05 (Trasporti) presso l’Università Niccolò Cusano. Ha partecipato a progetti di ricerca e consulenze per conto delle DG Trasporti/Mobilità e Ricerca della Commissione Europea. Ha partecipato allo sviluppo di piani della mobilità e dei trasporti e a studi trasportistici per conto di amministrazioni pubbliche e di privati. Ha pubblicato sulle riviste Transportation Research Parte A, B e C. Attuale attività didattica per gli insegnamenti di Tecnica ed Economia dei Trasporti e di Pianificazione dei Trasporti nell’ambito dei corsi di laurea triennale e magistrale in ingegneria civile.
Research / interest areasdiscrete choice models and related micro-economic foundation, choice modelling based on stated-preference data, road network equilibrium models, multicriteria and multiattribute assessment of transportation projects, welfare measurement and estimation of users’ benefits, urban logistics, automated transportation systems
Recent article / activity for TRElab podcastDelle Site P., Kilani K., Gatta V., Marcucci E., de Palma A. (2019) Estimation of consistent Logit and Probit models using best, worst and best-worst choices. Transportation Research Part B – Methodological 128, 87-106.
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