Michela Le Pira

SurnameLe Pira
Position(s)Research fellow / Lecturer (Ricercatore t.d. a) at the University of Catania 
DescriptionMichela Le Pira works at the University of Catania, where she completed her studies in Civil and Transport Engineering (B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D.). She is also a visiting researcher at TU Delft working at the “Freight and Logistics Lab” and at the “hEAT lab”. Her background is in transport planning, with a focus on models for stakeholder engagement, including multi-criteria analysis, agent-based models and discrete choice models. She worked as a PostDoc at the University of Roma Tre and she collaborates with TRElab’s members on researches related to decision-support methods for developing sustainable and innovative urban freight transport policies.
Descrizione Michela Le Pira lavora presso l’Università di Catania, dove ha completato i suoi studi in Ingegneria Civile e dei Trasporti. È anche visiting researcher presso TU Delft e in particolare presso il “Freight and Logistics Lab” e “hEAT lab”. Si occupa di pianificazione dei trasporti e di modelli di coinvolgimento degli stakeholder, tra cui l’analisi multicriteria, i modelli ad agenti e i modelli a scelta discreta. Ha lavorato come assegnista di ricerca presso l’Università di Roma Tre e collabora con i membri di TRElab a ricerche relative a metodi di supporto alle decisioni per lo sviluppo di politiche innovative per un trasporto urbano delle merci sostenibile.
Research / interest areasCurrently, her research focuses on the study of innovative transport systems related to the new shared mobility paradigm and Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and on innovative transport policies to improve passenger and freight mobility.
Recent article / activity for TRElab podcastGatta, V., Marcucci, E., Le Pira, M., Inturri, G., Ignaccolo, M., Pluchino, A. (2020) E-groceries and urban freight: investigating purchasing habits, peer influence and behaviour change via a discrete choice/agent-based modelling approach. Transportation Research Procedia 46, 133-140.
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