Delphi survey on MaaS for passenger and freight transport

A team of researchers from the University of Catania – UNICT (Italy), TU Delft (Netherlands) and University College Dublin – UCD (Ireland) is conducting the Delphi survey entitled “Exploring the feasibility of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) for passenger and freight transport integration”. The survey aims at eliciting expert opinions on possible scenarios of integration between passenger and freight transport enabled by a MaaS platform.

Take part in the panel by answering the survey at the following link:

The survey consists of 2 rounds. During the first round, you will be asked to give your opinions and judgments with respect to the market penetration, business ecosystem, and implementation of this concept. During the second round, it will be possible to refine your judgments based on both your perceptions and other participant assessments and comments.  

For information on the research, please contact Michela Le Pira ( Please, do not hesitate to ask if you have any question or concern. We kindly ask you to fill in the questionnaire by 15 May.

In case of questions or clarifications, reach out to dr. M. Le Pira (

The research team: 

@UNICT: dr. M. Le Pira, Prof. M. Ignaccolo, Prof. G. Inturri 

@TUDELFT: Prof. dr. L. Tavasszy, dr. G. Correia, dr. I. Kourounioti, dr. R. Tapia 

@UCD: dr. N. Giuffrida, Prof. F. Pilla  

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