TRElab workshop: “Valutare la TAV: Missione impossibile?” (25/06/2019)

On the 25th of June 2019 TRElab hosts a workshop on the cost benefit analysis of the Turin–Lyon high-speed railway. The workshop will be held in the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Roma Tre (via Gabriello Chiabrera 199), 4th floor (“Sala del Consiglio”), from 10.30 to 12.30. The brochure of the event can be downloaded here.

Participation is free but it is requested to register at the following link.



Fabio Pasquali (University of Roma Tre)

Francesco Ramella (Istituto Bruno Leoni)


About the workshop:

The construction of the “Nuova Linea Torino-Lione” (NLTL), known to the public with the acronym “TAV” (“Treno ad Alta Velocità”, High-speed train), is the focal point of a heated debate since its conceiving, in the 90s. Recently, the issue has gained new relevance, since Conte’s government questioned the whole project.

Both speakers dealt, in different times, with the cost/benefit evaluation of the project and they came to different conclusions. TRElab considers the discussion on the NLTL for its implications for freight and passenger transport as well as for the understanding of different methods of evaluation. This workshop will thus be an opportunity for discussion and constructive debate.


About the speakers:

Fabio Pasquali works in Italy and abroad as applied economist in the transport sector. Since 2006 he is technical member of the Observatory for the new rail link Turin Lyon. He has been also editor of the first nine Booklets of analysis for this project. He is currently Secretary general of the Italian delegation at the CIG-Binational Intergovernmental commission. Since 2010 he is professor of Devleopment economics and policy in the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Roma Tre.

Title of the lecture: “The Turin–Lyon new railway: an analysis in development”

Francesco Ramella has graduated in mechanical engineering and he is a PhD in transport research. He cooperates with and he worked with Sole24Ore and LaStampaTeacher at the University of Turin and at Polytechnic University of Turin. He currently cooperates with “Istituto Bruno Leoni”. In 2018 he has been appointed as member of the “Struttura Tecnica di Missione” of the Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transports for the cost/benefit analysis of the “TAV”.

Title of the lecture: “Cost and benefits of the Turin-Lyon line: a “fraud” or sound analysis?”








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