TRElab at the Italian Society of Transport and Logistics Economists XXI Scientific Meeting on “Transport and sustainability ”

TRElab directors Edoardo Marcucci and Valerio Gatta participated at the Italian Society of Transport Economics and Logistics (SIET). The XXI scientific meeting, titled “Transport and sustainability”, was held in Bologna (Italy), on the 9th-10th September 2019.

Director Marcucci’s chaired a session and delivered a presentation on “Last-mile impacts of crowdshipping services: a simulation-based evaluation”.

The title of Director Gatta’s intervention was “E-groceries: simulating behaviour change”.

Director Marcucci’s talk at the Scientific Meeting

The conference was organized by ITL – Istituto sui Trasporti e la Logistica (Research Institute on Transport and Logistics) in cooperation with the General Directorate for territorial and environmental care of the Emilia-Romagna Government.

Further details about the conference can be found here.

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